According to one High Frequency Word List that I checked today, "dijo" (s/he said or told) is at #152. That's puts DIJO high on my list for words that i really want to just roll out of my students' mouths without thinking about it.
I used Martina Bex's activity "Rumors" found HERE. I chose the activity because it provides a high number of repetitions, but I wasn't prepared for how much the students enjoyed it.
After I read one of the rumors to students, I allowed them 3 chances to guess who said it. One class only guessed one incorrectly, the other class was at 50% after going through 16 of the papers. I was going to stop after reading 8 or 9 "rumors" but they asked to continue the activity.
Give it a try. If your students are like mine, it will be a successful activity.
Glad it was a success!!!