
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Pictograms of Well-Known Stories

If you are looking for ready-made materials to use in your language class, the website Orientación Andujár has familiar children's stories en pictograms available to download.  It is a website for Spanish teachers, but even if you teach another language, you will still be able to use the pictograms because there are not many words in the pictograms.  Some of the stories also have additional activities that you can download to use with the stories.  

Ideally, the majority of the fables and legends that I teach in class are authentic stories from countries where the target language is spoken, such as stories about Juan Bobo.  But, occasionally it is fun for the students to hear a familiar story from their childhood told in the target language.  The advantage is that the students already know the plot and the characters in the story, so they can concentrate on learning the words they don't know in order to retell the story.  A variation I employ when using familiar children's stories, is to ask questions for information not given in the original story so the students can use their imaginations instead of sticking with the regular story.    

There are pictograms of the following stories:
- Los 3 Cerditos                         - La Ratita Presumida
- El Asno y el Cochino                - El Rancito Pérez
- La Princesa y el Guisante         - El Flautista de Hamelin
- Cenicienta                              - Los Músicos de Bremen
- Blancanieves                          - La Cigarra y la Hormiga
- Caperucita Roja                      - La Casita de Chocolate
- Ricitos de Oro                         - El Patito Feo

Since I mentioned authentic stories, I just found this book, Tales our Abuelitas Told, (Cuentas que contaban nuestras abuelitas) on the web this morning.  If you have the book, please e-mail me directly or leave a reply on the blog if you have used the stories in class or if you recommend it.  Thanks!  

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing !! I use Los Tres Cerditos in the spring; this will be great!
