
Monday, July 16, 2012

only2clicks - A Great Organizational Tool

This post has little to do with actual teaching strategies and everything to do with organization.  Because of the website only2clicks, I have been able to find resources when I want them without having to check my history on the computer or sort through bookmarked sites or old notebooks hoping to find the URL to a website that I saw a few days or weeks ago.

I enjoy following other educators on Twitter and I have found a huge amount of useful material to use in my classes such as links to sites with Spanish stories, videos, apps for Spanish class, games, information on grants, teachers' blogs, etc.  The problem is that when I follow the links, I don't always have time to thoroughly look at the site and I want to mark it so I can go back to it later.  I used to bookmark the site, but my list of bookmarks grew and it wasn't organized.  Then about two years ago, I found the website only2clicks.  Below is a screenshot of my only2clicks screen with the Spanish Blogs tab opened.  A great feature to the site is that it provides a snapshot of the site so you can quickly browse through the different marked sites to find what you are searching for.

I keep only2clicks open on my desktop so when I come across a site that I want to file, I copy the link and then add it to the appropriate tab.  I use this tool daily because (I admit) organization is one thing that I lack.  This tool helps me to stay better organized and now lose sites that I will use in the future.  

I also watched a webinar in which a teacher explained how she uses Symbaloo.  That site looks like similar to only2clicks because you can organize your sites onto different pages.

So, if you're like me and want to keep better track of interesting sites that you come across as you're searching for resources, only2clicks may be a solution to helping you stay organized.

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