
Saturday, March 26, 2016

Los videos de Juan Fernandez

Are you acquainted with Juan Fernandez, @granainoinuk, on Twitter? 
If you teach Spanish, you may want to follow him on Twitter. 

Because on a language forum that I follow, someone shared the link to his new YouTube channel with the videos he makes. The videos are perfect for second language learners because:
(1) he is a native speaker 
(2) he speaks clearly, 
(3) he speaks slow enough to give listeners time to process and understand what he is saying

Below is one of his videos:

I also like that the video DOES NOT have subtitles, but I noticed there is the option to add them if you wanted them on the screen.  Another one of his videos I watched had the subtitles, but since his speech is comprehensible to my students, I don't want the English on the screen.

In Juan's video "¡Dale la vuelta a la tortilla!", he begins with several written examples of the subjunctive used with CUANDO. After watching it, you can explain this food idiom. (The website Spanish Food Idioms has a nice explanation.)

Some of the videos are short enough that they would work nicely as Brain Breaks, such as the 2 minute video, "Cómo decir NO en español".

These videos led me to his website, 1001 Razones para aprender español with even MORE resources and the scripts of his podcasts.  Wow! I feel like I hit the jackpot this morning. 

I hope you didn't have anything too pressing today, because you may want to put your plans on hold to watch Juan's videos.  :-)  

THANK YOU Juan Fernandez for creating these videos!


  1. Thanks so much for sharing about Juan's videos. Looking forward to checking them out.

  2. Wow! These are fantastic! Thank you so much!

  3. Hi, I’m Eduardo, a pre-service Spanish teacher. Your post about Juan’s videos was very helpful. I agree with you in your comment that it’s beneficial for students to listen in onto Juan’s videos since he does speak very cleanly and at a good pace. I would also say that it wouldn’t hurt for students to step out of the normal and pause his video and respond to their computer screen with a spoken comment that they may have in response to what Juan is talking about.

  4. Thank you so much for sharing!

  5. I reallt think this is a great resource. I often have a hard time finding clips from native speakers that are slow enough for my students to listen to. I like your suggestions of how to use this in the classroom as well. Thank you for sharing this, I plan to use it with my Spanish 2-3 classes
