
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Scratch offs for Back-to-School Night

Scratch-offs waiting for a 2nd coat
I encourage the students to ask their parents to attend Back-to-School night because I enjoy meeting the parents of my students.  This year the parents that come to visit my classroom on Back-to-School night will leave with a (small) reward for their son or daughter.  

This summer on Pinterest I saw and bookmarked a pin on how to make DIY scratch offs and, last week, I decided to make scratch offs for Back-to-School night.  When the parents enter my room, they'll choose a card and then scratch off the silver film to see what their child has won.  The rewards are:
 - homework pass (10 pts or less assignment)
 - choose your assigned seat for 1 class period
 - 2 bonus points on a quiz
 - permission to sit on an orange swivel chair during class
 - Spanish pen
 - Spanish pencil

A surprise reward for their son or daughter is a small way to say thank you to the parents that take the time out of their busy day to come to school to meet their child's teacher.

I have a few ideas of how to use scratch offs with my students later in the year. Please feel free to share any ideas you may have on how to use scratch offs in the classroom.

Directions for making the cards can be found HERE
HERE is a googledoc of the file because several readers have mentioned that they were unable to download it from the file below.
  Below is the file for the cards:

Applying the silver paint


  1. Hola Senora,

    I love this idea! I am trying to download the card file, but it is not working on my computer. Is there a way you could email it to me? My email is

    Srta Llibre

    1. Thanks Srta Llibre. I emailed the file to you. Have fun!!!

  2. This is soooooo coool!!!!!

    with love,

  3. What an amazing and creative idea! I would absolutely love to use this, too, but unfortunately I am also unable to download the card file. If you wouldn't mind forwarding it to me as well, I would very much appreciate it.


  4. FYI: You can also buy scratch off stickers online quite cheaply. Love the idea!

  5. I love this idea. I just made a whole bunch. I put on my website what I am going to do with them. I can't wait. Thank you for this awesome idea!

    1. Hi Dustin,
      Thank you for commenting and for sharing on your blog how you will use the scratch-offs with students. I showed some of my students the scratch-offs and told them I was going to give them to their parents at Back-to-School Night and, after seeing them, the students wanted them. I know what I'll be working on in the very near future: scratch-offs for my students. :)

      I'm posting the link to your blog for other readers to check out your lovely scratch-offs and your great blog too. Making the scratch-offs is contagious, isn't it?
      Dustin Williamson's CI and TPRS

      PS: I'm adding your blog to my reading list!!!

    2. A great idea that came to me is to make the cards in the shape of a fortune cookie when teaching the future!

  6. I absolutely love these and I am so glad you for posted this! Thank you so much for sharing your tickets. I am definitely going to be making those things.

    Scratch Offs

  7. Awesome Blog Post.
    I appreciate your post .
    Awesome scratch cards
    Thanks a lot.
