
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Apps for Spanish Class

I just learned that the Draw Something App for iPhone and iPad is now available in Spanish and 12 other languages.  How cool is that!

One way to use this is to have my students set this App to Spanish and play it with other students in the class, outside of school.  Maybe even throw in some extra credit points if they reach a certain number of plays and then show it to me when they reach that number.

An even better way to involve the students with the App is to find another class of students learning Spanish, either in the U.S. or in another country, and partner my students up with them...OR...find a class in a Spanish country to match my students to their students, or simply play as a whole class.  If I can find a class from a Spanish country that is learning English, maybe we could alternate playing the game in Spanish and English.

I love when the creators of the Apps make them available in other languages!

If you are reading this blog and are interested in starting some type of collaboration with this App, please post a comment below or send me an e-mail @


  1. Hola Cynthia!
    I would be interested in a class collaboration. I'm not sure how many of my students will have iPhones, iPads next school year, but I bet we can figure something out. I will have 5 sections of Spn 3.

  2. Hi Sherry!
    I am waiting on my teaching schedule for the fall to see which classes I will have. I usually teach levels 3 and up, but I asked for some level 1s and 2s so I can go through the new curriculum with them. I don't think I will have any level 3 classes in the fall, but I may have one level 4 in the first semester and 1 level 5 in the second semester. I'll get back to you on this after I get my schedule. Thanks for being so patient.
