
Friday, September 30, 2011

TPRS Story from 9/27/11

Carrie U. en Palmyra Class Story 9/27/11

Carrie U. está en Palmyra.

Ella tiene hambre y va a Texas Roadhouse.

Mientras está comiendo cacahuates, ve a Sr. Mugs.

Ella le dice a Sr. Mugs, "Hola guapo".

El Sr. Mugs golpea a Carrie U.

Carrie U. se cae en el suelo.

Hay muchas cáscaras en el suelo.

Opción A:

Edgardo, el elefante, entra el restaurante.

Ve a Carrie U. en el suelo y ve a Sr. Mugs.

El corre y se sienta en Sr. Mugs.

El Sr. Mugs grita.

Carrie U. le dice a Edgardo “Nooooo”.

Edgardo se levanta, llora y sale (he leaves) del restaurante.

El Sr. Mugs le dice a Carrie U. “Gracias” y él sonríe.

Opción B:

Carrie U. llora.

Ella recoge las cáscaras y las tira a Sr. Mugs.

El Sr. Mugs tiene hambre y come una máscara.

El dice “¡Qué deliciosa!” y sonríe.

El recoge una botella de Coca-Cola y bebe la Coca-Cola.

Le dice a Carrie U. “Adiós” y sale (he leaves) del restaurante.

The students and I created the first part of the story together. Then I put the students in groups of 4 and they brainstormed possible things that could have happened next in the story. Each person wrote their group's ideas on their papers. I circulated through the room to help them with their sentences. Then each group had to write one of their ideas on the board.

Students worked in their groups to retell the story. Each student in the group needed to tell the story to their group members. While they were working on this, I took 2 of the ideas from the groups and expanded on it and wrote the sentences on the board to make two different endings to the story. We read opción A and opción B together. Students chose one of the options, copied it on the paper with the typed first part fo the story. Their homework was to read the story to their parent and have their parent sign the paper.

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